The perception of Moldovan citizens towards NATO

Security is the most important “public property” by the state, which is dependent on the perception of security among the population. Polls show that public perception has undergone several changes in recent years. Since 2005 more citizens favor the option of neutrality of Moldova, in 2016 this indicator reached almost ...

NATO Summit – what it is?

NATO Summits – what it is? NATO Summits are periodic meetings held at the highest level between heads of state and heads of government of 28 NATO member countries to assess and give strategic direction to the Alliance. Until 2016 there were 26 NATO Summits, each one of them representing ...

Newsletter of IDC NATO Nr.4

The fourth edition of the newsletter contains information about the activities carried out by IDC NATO during the May- September 2015 period. Documentation and Information Center on NATO in Moldova (IDC NATO) is a nongovernmental institution, which aims to promote the public benefit values and Euro-Atlantic principles, to support the ...


1. AN INTERNATIONAL SECURITY HUB The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is one of the world’s major international institutions. It is a political and military Alliance of 28 member countries from Europe and North America. The Alliance takes all its decisions by consensus. Every member country, no matter how large ...

Neutralitatea Republicii Moldova în contextul noilor provocări regionale

Autor : Vasile Croitor Neutralitatea a jucat roluri diverse în diferite perioade istorice. Cînd un stat şi-a asumat o politică de neutralitate, acesta a încercat să se adapteze unui anumit mediu de securitate. Totodată, statul a adoptat acea politică ce derivă din condiţiile mediului internaţional de securitate, adoptând şi un ...

Как осуществляется Индивидуальный план действий по сотрудничеству Молдовы и НАТО

Индивидуальный план действий по сотрудничеству Молдова-НАТО был, по согласованию сторон, был одобрен Советом НАТО 19 мая 2006 года и 24 мая того же года утвержден Правительством Молдовы. Основные его положения сводились к следующему: расширение сотрудничества с НАТО во всех областях безопасности и участие в совместных операциях, повышение уровня боевой подготовки молдавских военных, перевод ...