WE-NATO – First live web chat on International Women’s Day 2012

In the past decades women have come a long way in their struggle for equality with men, but still a lot remains to be done to give them a proper voice and role in the field of peace and security. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=XZhyHEw821w

NATO – Distributed Networked Battle Labs (DNBL)

Interoperability is key to better operational effectiveness. Thanks to a new platform launched by Allied Command Transformation, Allies can now check from a distance whether their equipment “speaks the same language”.

NATO – Countering terrorism together

As terrorism is a global problem, the Alliance cannot tackle it alone. NATO asked security matter experts to share their views on this at the first conference on “New Challenges to Global Security” on 28 November, 2011.

Living without fear

NATO is currently conducting a project in Ukraine with the aim of destroying weapons and ammunition inherited by Ukraine following the break-up of the Soviet Union. The population and local industries are playing a part in this programme.