Resolution 1325 of the UN Security Council on the role of women in assuring peace and security to the attention of the governmental institutions

21 April 2016

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Resolution 1325 of the UN Security Council on the role of women in  assuring peace and security to the attention  of the  governmental institutions

Representatives of the Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Internal Affairs , Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, Ministry of Labor , Social and Family protection as well as those of the Mission UN Women in Moldova, OSCE Mission to Moldova, IDC NATO in Moldova and Gender Center attended on Thursday, October 22, the second meeting of the inter-institutional self-evaluation process on the gender dimension in the security and defense sector , held at the Center for Information and Documentation on NATO (NATO CID).

The working session was aimed at discussing issues relating to:

(1) establishing deadlines for plan of joint work activities,

(2) submission of needs for assistance in completing the questionnaire, by the institutions involved in the process of self-assessment

(3) support the proposals of the OSCE Mission and UN Women Mission.

Attending the event, Deputy Defence Minister, George Galbur, emphasized the need to implement the national resolution 1325 of the UN Security Council on the role of women in assuring peace and security. The participants at the discussion agreed that, until the next meeting which shall take place on 29 October preset year at CID headquarters NATO, the institutions involved in the self-assessment process will start filling in the questionnaire on the responsibility and will identify issues requiring assistance in order to made them available to UN Women experts, OSCE and Gender Center. Submitting the Institutional self-evaluation questionnaire on the gender dimension in the national defense and security sector will serve as a basis for further national action plan on the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 ,, Women, Peace and Security “.

Content taken from the website of the Ministry of Defence.