The Republic of Moldova in the context of international relations: academic conference at Moldova State University, FRISPA

29 July 2015

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The Republic of Moldova in the context of international relations: academic conference at Moldova State University, FRISPA
   On the 25th of February 2015, IDC on NATO from the Republic of Moldova in collaboration with International Relations, Political and Administrative Sciences Faculty of Moldova State University organized an academic conference on the subject: „The Republic of Moldova in the context of international relations”.
This conference is part of the project NATO Week in Moldova 2015, which will be followed by similar conferences in Chișinău and other regions of the country and will end with a final conference at which will be delegated the best Bachelor and Master students. The final conference will take place in April 2015. The conference from today is the first from those that will be organized.
At the conference participated 14 students who presented their researches on subjects related to security. The subjects were divided into 2 panels: The challenges of the European security after the end of the Cold War, during which were discussed ways of solving the Transnistrian conflict based on other examples from history, problems from the defence sphere, NATO’s extension and the  adherence to NATO, overseeing the information in the Republic of Moldova and Global, regional, national development: problems and solutions, that focused on subjects related the use of negotiations as a way of solving conflicts, the adherence to the EU and other subjects related to geopolitics.
The participants presented the results of their papers, after which discussions were held and the jury formed by Cebotari S – dr., conf. univ.,Stercul N. – dr., conf. univ., Ţurcanu M. – Program Coordinator, IDC on NATO,  Mardari V. – MA, Diplomatic Studies and Begliţa S. – student, International Relations handed the awards. The students that placed first and the future participants to the Inter-academic Conference are: Pantea Eliza, IIIrd year student and Cristina Voroneanu, Ist year student.