The second stage of the training courses for journalists within the project Strengthening the capacities of the journalists in reflecting the subjects of security and cooperation between the Republic of Moldova and NATO

4 August 2015

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The second stage of the training courses for journalists within the project Strengthening the capacities of the journalists in reflecting the subjects of security and cooperation between the Republic of Moldova and NATO

On the 3rd of April was held the practical stage of the training courses for journalists within the project Strengthening the capacities of the journalists in reflecting the subjects of security and cooperation between the Republic of Moldova and NATO implemented currently by IDC NATO in collaboration with the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Moldova.

During the second stage of the trainings, for the journalists and other representatives of mass-media, as well as of the civil society, was organized a visit at the polygon from Dănceni where are held the trainings of the peacekeeping contingent Battalion 22, a military unit participating in the peacekeeping operation under NATO in Kosovo.
The visitors had the opportunity to participate at the simulation exercises of different real situations together with the military of Battalion 22, that participate in the KFOR operation. The exercises were held during the first half of the day and ended with lunch, taken with the soldiers and officers of the battalion.

The visit at the polygon from Dănceni represents one of the IDC NATO’s activities that aim to familiarize the opinion formers, the representatives of the mass-media and of the civil society, but also the large public with the areas of cooperation of the Republic of Moldova and NATO. The participation of the Moldovan military at the KFOR peacekeeping mission from Kosovo is a successful example of the collaboration between the Republic of Moldova and the Alliance and the IDC NATO team has tried through this to offer the journalists the possibility to discuss and obtain from the first source details regarding the reasons why the military of the Battalion 22 want to participate at the KFOR mission and what significance has this experience for their career. The IDC NATO team and journalists form TV and radio channels had the unique chance to participate, together with the military, at the trainings for the KFOR mission, that has contributed to consolidate a positive image about the armed forces from the Republic of Moldova and to emphasize the importance of Moldova’s participation to the peacekeeping mission, through which our country contributes to the peace and security in the region.

The visit of the mass-media representatives and of the civil society at the polygon from Dănceni where the trainings of the military of the peacekeeping Battalion 22 was organized within the project „Strengthening the capacities of the journalists in reflecting the subjects of security and cooperation between the Republic of Moldova and NATO” which the IDC NATO team currently implements. For more information regarding the projects and the public diplomacy activities of IDC NATO, please contact us on or at the phone number +37322 577 824–castiga-30-de-dolari-pe-zi–In-ce-conditii-se-antreneaza-militarii-moldoveni-pentru-misiunile-de-pacificare foto) foto) foto) foto) foto)