Capacity building trainings for journalists
On March 30 and 31, IDC on NATO , in partnership with the Defense Ministry of the Republic of Moldova, was organized a series of training courses for journalists. The training was part of the project: “Strengthening the journalists’ capacities in reflecting subjects such as security and cooperation between Moldova and NATO”. The aim of the initiative was to offer a discussion platform for the journalists, the state institutions or NATO’s representatives.
More than 30 journalists, representatives from different mass-media institutions, radio, TV and bloggers from Chisinau as well as various regions from Moldova, have signed up and participated at these trainings.
The initiative was proposed at a press-conference at which Mr. Viorel Cibotaru, Defense Minister of the Republic of Moldova and Mrs. Alla Rosca, professor at the State University of Moldova. Afterwards, started the training program that was opened by Mrs. Natalia Albu, professor at the Military Academy “Alexandru cel Bun”, regarding the security concepts and the international organizations for security. It was followed by a lecture given by Mr. Alexei Barbaneagra, the secretary of the Supreme Defense and Security Council in Moldova, on topics such as Moldova’s relations with NATO, the IPAP action plan, NATO’s support for Moldova in reforming its military forces, presidents’ competences in the security and defense field, activity of Supreme Defense and Security Council, the reform of the national security sector.
Elena Marzac and Patricia Zghibarta presented next, about public diplomacy and the role of IDC on NATO in facilitating the communication between NATO and Moldova’s citizens. Problems related to the definition, origin, evolution and features of the public diplomacy were addressed, as well as the basic differences that separate the concept of public diplomacy from propaganda. Topics as the activity of the NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division, IDC on NATO’s activities, target groups and partners, legal framework of security and defense awareness.
Also on March 30, a lecture was held by Mr. Veaceslav Iatco, chief of NATO and political-military cooperation department within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of the Republic of Moldova. The presentation reflected aspects about the IPAP, Science for Peace and Security program, the procces of planning and reviewing the partnership, as part of the efficient, bilateral cooperation between Moldova and NATO.
The participants of the training were able to attend a presentation about military cooperation between Moldova and NATO, held by Mr. Roman Ceban, lieutenant-colonel and head of the Defense Planning, DPAPA within the Ministry of Defense. He approached the subject of Moldova’s participation in the NATO’s peacekeeping operation in Kosovo and its military activity in Kosovo. The first day ended with another lecture about the relation between Moldova and NATO (NATO’s partnership policy in and outside of Moldova, the collective defense concept and its functionality), given by Mrs. Alina Coca, Deputy Director in the media and special events operations department of NATO’s press services.
On March 31, the representative gave a second lecture regarding NATO’s methods of communication with mass-media, in particular the processes and the resources that are allocated for that purpose. She tackled the practicalities of the NATO’s relation with the mass-media resources and the ones the Alliance provides the journalists with, as well as the means through which they can accomplish that.
The last two lectures within the training were held by Alina Suguniako, the founding member of the informational platform from Ukraine – “Stopfake”, and reflected aspects such as the role of mass-media in the so-called hybrid war, in the representation of problems related to European and Euro-Atlantic Integration and security problems. Miss Sugoniaku presented Ukraine as the case study and highlighted the main lessons learned and the takeaways from Ukraine.
The second stage of the training took place on Fiday, April 3rd and consisted of a trip to the shooting range Danceni, where 22 Battalion is trained in peacekeeping and is displaced in the peacekeeping operation in Kosovo.
These trainings were part of the project: “Strengthening the journalists’ capacities in reflecting subjects such as security and cooperation between Moldova and NATO”, that the IDC on NATO team is still working on. For more details about the IDC on NATO’s projects, fell free to contact us on or +22577824.