What is NATO ?
Mass media is trained to promote cooperation between Moldova and NATO
Dozens of Moldovan journalists have been trained in the first two days of this week,within a program: how to write about security and about the cooperation between the Republic of Moldova and the North Atlantic Alliance. A broadcasted press release by the host institution-Information and Documentation Center on NATOin Chisinau-announces ...Invitation for the training for journalists
Invitaţie Stimate Domn/Doamnă, Centrul de Informare şi Documentare privind NATO din Republica Moldova (CID NATO) este o organizaţie non-guvernamentală creată cu scopul de a informa publicul din Republica Moldova despre NATO şi relaţiile de parteneriat ale ţării noastre cu Alianţa, precum şi de a promova principiile şi valorile euro-atlantice. ...An interview with Ambassador Mihai Gribincea for Teleradio Moldova, during the working visit of the IDC NATO team to NATO General Headquarters on November 20th.
1. The number of pro-NATO citizens has equalized with those against It – is shown in a recent survey, noting that it is an outstanding performance. The situation in Ukraine could have had an influence on dispelling the myths about NATO? M.G. It is obvious that the annexation of ...Presentation of the Information and Documentation Center on NATO in the Republic of Moldova at “Ion Creanga” State Pedagogical University
Information and Documentation Center on NATO in the Republic of Moldova has organized on September 25th a presentation regarding the topic: “Republic of Moldova and the security options facing new challenges of the regional security.” The presentation has been held by Mihai Turcanu for the “Ion Creanga” State Pedagogical University ...A comparative analysis of the Moldova’s national security options in the wake of the Russian aggression in Ukraine.
On the 20th of January, the Association for Foreign Policy (AFP), has organized, in partnership with the Information and Documentation Centre on NATO in Moldova (IDC on NATO), a meeting dedicated to the Comparative analysis of the national security options of the Republic of Moldova in the context of the ...